


Launch of the new hallmarks book
French Precious Metal Hallmarks from 1789 to this day





Note : This book is in English, despite the photos of the pages above being in French. My website is getting old and no longer allows me to upload any new photos !

After a career spanning 44 years on three continents dealing in antique jewellery and four years of research, I'm pleased to finally be able to announce the release of my book on hallmarks. This book is the most accurate reference ever published about French hallmarks. Each official hallmark is illustrated with a design carefully checked against real hallmarks and is, in most cases, also illustrated with a photograph. The use of each hallmark is noted along with its period of use. A listing gives details of every assay office mark, the tiny mark in each hallmark that shows in which town it was struck, along with the opening and closing dates of each assay office. These details allow the date of manufacture of jewellery and silverware to be determined with precision. 
For the first time ever, assay office marks as well as opening and closing dates are given for the 58 assay offices opened in the European towns occupied by France during the Napoleonic wars. Jewels and silverware were struck in these towns with French hallmarks.
This reference corrects the numerous errors found in all the current books and has already become THE standard reference on official French hallmarks. Format 148 x 210mm (A5 format), 192 pages, glossy 150g paper, pages sewn not glued and bound with a hard cover.
Possibility of being signed by the author, Michael C. W. Fieggen.

To order, you can send a wire transfer or WISE transfer to Michael Fieggen - FR76 4061 8803 9700 0403 3233 171 – BIC – BOUSFRPPXXX - address Mike Fieggen, 278 rue Saint Honoré, Paris, 75001 France

Bank or wire transfer by in Sterling – Account holder - Michael Fieggen
IBAN - GB68TSBS30916200184462    BIC / SWIFT - TSBSGB2AXXX

Sterling or euros cheques are welcome and PayPal is possible at the address  The book can also be collected in my jewellery shop in Paris next to the Louvre.

Any questions ?  Email me at

One copy in English        £55 sterling    Postage and packing worldwide                   £5 sterling  

This book is in English, despite the photos of the pages above being in French. My old website no longer allows me to upload any new photos !


What do buyers say about this book?

Thank you for sending the invoice.
This wonderful book full of new discoveries and surprises.
I was able to find the answer to my long-standing hallmark question.
This book is so great!

                                Sho Hirokawa, Japon,  September 2024


After the beautiful first volume of French Regional Jewellery, a new book by Michael Fieggen has appeared that is sure to fill a gap in your library! French hallmarks, in detail, with just about everything you’d want to know.

This book is very well illustrated with clear drawings, schematics and close-up photos. I always find that very helpful, as a stamped mark may look just a little different from the drawing, and seeing them side by side helps in determining what I’m looking at.

On the last pages you will find indexes of hallmarks, described visually: bees, amphorae, crabs, sphinxes, bulls….even if you have not read a single line in the book, it is immediately of very practical use. Look at the hallmark, identify the shape you see, look it up in the index.

If you are working with French hallmarked jewellery in any capacity, you will greatly benefit from this book!

           Sigrid van Roode   March 2024



Dear Mike
I'd like to congratulate you on your hallmarks book! What a job ! The illustrations are excellent and the book very useful.  I can vouch for that as I've already used it to show that the dog's head hallmark was used from 1913 and not 1912 as claimed everywhere else
Bravo !
              Fabian de Montjoye  -  March 2024



URGENT, you must buy this book...or risk making mistakes!!

This book is new and important, it represents a large amount of work, it deals with all the hallmarks of French precious metals. Are you a collector or professional in jewellery, gold and silversmithing, BJO expert for public sales? Mike Fieggen has made a complete table of hallmarks, secret marks, and above all the assay office marks which make it possible to find which city saw a jewel pass through its assay office, and to know the date.

I cannot quote all the pages of the book, because you have to buy it, as it is a very useful work.

             Jean-Jacques Richard - March 2024


Excellent manual, compact, precise, rigorous and easy to consult. It fills a gap in the jewellery and silverware heaven (and the French 
hallmark hell!).  This work promises to be an authority on the issue for a long time to come.
          Michael Guet, August 2024



Launch of the new book -
Traditional French Jewellery



Book - Traditional French Jewellery - order here direct from the author




Dear collectors, auctioneers, dealers and jewellery lovers,

You have visited the site which for thirteen years now has listed all regional and traditional French jewellery, without any advertising. 
By popular demand, this website is now finally available as a book, much more complete and with many new photos and texts that are not on the site. I travelled more than 4,500 km in 2020 to visit the various collectors and museums of France and to photograph, weigh, measure and examine their jewellery.

Large format of 23.5 x 30 cm, 304 pages in quality paper, hardcover and fully illustrated with over 1300 jewels in colour, this book is the first complete guide to French regional jewellery and corrects the many errors and gaps observed in the other references as well as presenting other regional jewels hitherto unknown to the public. You will find eight full pages on Breton pins and fibulae and many other jewels in museums and private collections that are not on this website. Over two years of research have gone into making the chapter on hallmarks the most reliable ever seen - clear illustrations of hallmarks have been made especially for this volume. And for the first time, collectors will have access to a complete list of all the assay office symbols, small signs within the hallmarks that identify in which city the jewellery was hallmarked. The opening and closing dates since 1798 of the hallmark offices are also listed for the first time, allowing, with the office symbol, to better date your jewellery. In this new edition, published in 2023, the hallmarks chapter has been expanded from twelve to nineteen pages, and now includes the 58 assay offices opened in the European cities occupied by France during the Napoleonic Wars. These cities, in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Italy used French hallmarks. This information has never before been published.

You will love this book, I have had nothing but compliments and many clients have ordered more to offer as gifts.

To order, you can send a wire transfer or WISE transfer in euros to Michael Fieggen - FR76 4061 8803 9700 0403 3233 171 – BIC – BOUSFRPPXXX - address Mike Fieggen, 280 rue Saint Honoré, Paris, 75001 France

Bank or wire transfer by in pounds Sterling – Account holder - Michael Fieggen
IBAN - GB68TSBS30916200184462    BIC / SWIFT - TSBSGB2AXXX

Sterling cheques are welcome and PayPal is possible at the address  The book can also be collected in my jewellery shop in Paris next to the Louvre.

Any questions ?  Email me at

One copy in French                               €75                             Postage and packing                  €6 for France, €5 for Europe and overseas

One or more copies in English             £75 sterling each       Postage and packing                  £5 sterling each worldwide





What do buyers say about this book?

A reference work - Exceptional work: an absolute must-have!!! Everything is so neat that it is almost perfect... The layout is remarkable, the binding is of high quality. Charming detail: the title and cover illustration in light relief! Sold in bookstores, this book would easily cost around €200! The content is a model of erudition and rigor, the work of a passionate person who knows how to wonderfully transmit his knowledge: what a treat!....etc etc etc.........BRAVO!!!! !!!!

                  C Podetta, September 2024



I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely love your book!!! It is very informative yet easy to look at and go through. I am very excited to see information on pieces I own, as well as so many pieces that are so intriguing and would love to find. It’s great to put those pieces into context of history and cultural life. Very, very interesting book and I thank you for publishing it. I very much look forward to the next volumes. 

                      Ai, February 2022


Hi Mike,
Fabulous book! I just collected it from my mother's and can't wait to start reading it. What a treasure. Thanks for everything.
Kind regards
                    Nicky, 12th April 2022


I received your book yesterday and it is amazing! The photographs, descriptions, and the way it is all tied together with history of the regions is wonderful. It is a great addition to my library. I am very excited to order volume II and III. Thank you again!

          Jacqui T; USA September 2022


Just wanted to let you know the book arrived safely yesterday. I am only a few pages into it but it is fabulous, thanks,

          Margaret J, Melbourne, January 2023


Some recommendations translated from the French readers of the book:

What a treat your book is!! I am passionate about regional jewellery and have already many books on this subject but this one is very complete. I had fun searching in my small and modest collection and your photos in the book.

          Karine February 11, 2022


This book is a goldmine for the study of regional jewels and in particular the hallmarks used with a very clear presentation by province and a rich iconography. It is in fact an essential complement to Monique Poulenc's work "French traditional jewelry" from the National Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions.  Volume 2 is eagerly awaited...

            Françoise February 15, 2022


Extremely well documented work, very useful when researching the provenance of jewellery.

           Vichy Auctions February 16, 2022


Today is a big day! My nephews gave me your book! I am amazed at this amount of knowledge! Your work is essential!

             Louis de S February 21, 2022


The jewels of the French, a very well documented work, useful to experts in jewels, antique dealers, auctioneers, and in general to all those who are interested in history and traditions. A goldmine of information, to have absolutely!

           Jean Claude Frediani, President of the National Chamber of Experts in jewellery, jewellery, watchmaking, goldsmithing and precious stones. February 22, 2022


I have just received your book on regional jewellery: fabulous!

I already regularly consult your website but this is great. I learned about it thanks to a recent sale in Cherbourg where the auctioneer had put a photo of this book to reference a necklace by Yvetot. I also bought 4 Norman jewels at this sale. In 1992, I visited the exhibition organized by Claudette Joannis at the Musée du Luxembourg in Paris and this triggered in me (I was 27) and my mother, the desire to collect these jewels.

            Mireille, April 12, 2022


I ordered your book “Les bijoux des Français” on Amazon and since receiving it a week ago, I have been passionate about reading and discovering it. You have done a gigantic job
of research and I congratulate you for the quality of the content of the rich contents but also for the editorial quality of this beautiful book, beautifully laid out and illustrated.
        Pierre R, Doctor in Management Sciences, Associate of Economics and Management, Professor of International Trade, July 4, 2022